
Accident Injury Treatments

Man holding neck after car accident Our Chiropractic office near Pembroke Pines is available for accident injury treatments.

Auto accidents are known to cause a variety of injuries that may not be readily apparent directly after the collision. These injuries can include sprains and strains, herniated discs and whiplash. The good news is that Dr. Hastings provides auto accident injury treatments for individuals who have recently or not so recently been in a collision.

Common Injuries Experienced in a Car Accident

When you are in a car accident, your body ricochets between the seatbelt and seat, which can cause whiplash. If you have your hands on the steering wheel or stick-shift, your wrist may experience sprains and strains, and your knees may impact the dash, causing bruising and injuries to the knees. You may also experience shoulder injuries from being held back by the seatbelt and herniated discs in your lower back and neck.

Signs You Have a Car Accident Injury that Needs Chiropractic Treatment

Depending on your auto accident injury, you may experience a wide range of symptoms. If you have whiplash, you may experience an increase in headaches, a stiff or sore neck and sensitivity to light and sound. In severe instances, you may also experience pain and soreness in your upper back and tingling down one or both arms.

If you have a joint injury in your knees, wrists or shoulders, you may experience pain, inflammation, and loss of range of motion. If you experience a herniated disc during your accident, you may have pain in the area of the disc herniation as well as pain that radiates into the legs.

Auto Accident Injury Treatments from Dr. Hastings 

Our auto accident injury chiropractor provides treatments for whiplash, shoulder, wrist and knee injuries and herniated discs that are the result of a car accident.

Chiropractic Adjustments and Care

Chiropractic adjustments and our chiropractic care modalities are used to treat joint misalignments in the back, neck and extremity joints. These treatments help decrease healing times, reduce inflammation and improve the range of motion of the joints.

Targeted Massage Therapy

Targeted massage therapy is used to help relax muscles and tendons in order to help reduce pain and inflammation while improving localized circulation. Massage therapy can be utilized before or after chiropractic adjustments.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy is used for treating herniated discs in the back and neck and unpinching compressed nerves. The treatment involves applying a targeted force to the specific area of the back or neck with the disc herniation in order to increase the spaces between the vertebrae. This gives the disc room to retract and heal.

For more information about accident injury treatment contact Cafe of Life Chiropractic & Wellness at (954) 533-2614.


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10:00 am-1:00 pm

4:00 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-11:00 am




Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "My name is Lilian and I have struggled with back pain as a result of poor posture. I have been experiencing scoliosis and nerve aches since my teenage years. After a number of visits with two separate neurologists, their recommendation was to simply use pain medication and accept living in pain. Ultimately, I turned to chiropractic care as a final option. Looking back, I wish I could've known sooner about going to see a chiropractor. This specialized care restored my health and changed my outloo"
    Lilian G.
  • "Excellent service, they explain everything and help you to really improve, not for a simple back adjustment"
    Javier A.
  • "I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, anxiety disorder and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). I was in constant pain and sometimes wasn't able to do simple household chores. I had horrible fatigue and woke up exhausted every day even if I slept 10 hours. I Had migraines daily and anxiety attacks that eventually would come with no apparent cause. I was depressed and miserable. I went to every specialist: Endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, rheumatologist... Some thought I was crazy and asked "
    A. Mendez
  • "Jennifer had done wonders for my shoulder. My first visit I had shoulder lock and I could barely move my arm at all. Three visits later I have full motion and I haven’t felt better. It’s pretty mind blowing what this place is capable of! Visit ASAP"
    Austin P.
  • "Amazing Doctor. She is very passionate in what she does. Highly recommend her. Her staff is also amazing. I feel great thanks to her skills and compassion. My condition with my back is 95% better thanks to her. Very impressed!!!"
    Pablo R.